Customer Stories
How this YC company hired 4 engineers in 1 month on Paraform
How this YC company hired 4 engineers in 1 month on Paraform
Before Paraform, Apriora’s team believed working with external recruiters was a risky investment. Their co-founder Aaron had dedicated significant time into building different relationships and searching for the right recruiter, with no guarantee of success until months in.
March 5, 2025
How Carma found their perfect Founding Engineer on Paraform
How Carma found their perfect Founding Engineer on Paraform
Tony, Carma’s Head of Engineering joined me on a Friday to talk about how he discovered Paraform, what it’s like to wrangle a two-sided marketplace in the automotive repair world, and—most importantly—how he managed to hire their founding software engineer, Elliott.
February 11, 2025
How Statics hired a Founding Engineer in 28 days with Paraform's tech-plus-human approach
How Statics hired a Founding Engineer in 28 days with Paraform's tech-plus-human approach
When Johnny Wang took Statics, his early-stage AI startup, out of stealth mode he did what most founders do: relied on external recruiters to source top-tier talent. It’s how he recruited for highly specialized roles in the past.
January 13, 2025
How Banquet Health hires hard-to-fill roles in record time on Paraform
How Banquet Health hires hard-to-fill roles in record time on Paraform
Banquet Health had a problem most growing startups face: they needed strong engineers, but their recruiting process was eating up too much time and delivering subpar results.
December 2, 2024
Spatial Labs cut 70% of engineering costs with Paraform-hired engineers
Spatial Labs cut 70% of engineering costs with Paraform-hired engineers
When Spatial Labs launched their retail store, they had an emergency: They needed to ship an update to get the retail location to work and ship it now.
November 25, 2024
How Vellum hires diverse engineering talent to support their growth
How Vellum hires diverse engineering talent to support their growth
Vellum's co-founder Akash: “If you know your role isn’t going to be filled, you should probably call the Paraform people.”
November 20, 2024
How Harmonic 3x-ed their quarterly engineering hires, multiplying their top-of-funnel for difficult roles on Paraform.
How Harmonic 3x-ed their quarterly engineering hires, multiplying their top-of-funnel for difficult roles on Paraform.
Paraform helped Harmonic secure and manage a consistent pipeline of high-quality candidates, all on one platform.
October 24, 2024
How Keeper hired their Head of Marketing in 3 weeks on Paraform
How Keeper hired their Head of Marketing in 3 weeks on Paraform
The team 8x-ed their volume of high-quality candidate while spending 10x less time communicating and calibrating with recruiters, to bring on their newest exec in 21 days.
September 3, 2024
In just 1.5 months, Monad used Paraform source, screen, and sign an engineering trio (front-end, back-end, and infrastructure) of systems-level thinkers.
August 19, 2024
How the talent team at Hightouch leverages Paraform to increase quality top of funnel by 5x and fill difficult positions.
April 11, 2024
Founding Engineer and Founding AE are some of the hardest roles to recruit for. The founders of Decagon did it in under 1 month on Paraform.
April 10, 2024
Scientists and researchers aren't easy to find. This climate tech startup built 20% of their team on Paraform.
April 8, 2024
Vellum (YC W23)
Vellum (YC W23)
How Paraform helped Vellum (YC W23) hire 2 great founding engineers while also nailing diversity
April 8, 2024
Coining MFG (PrecisionX Group)
Coining MFG (PrecisionX Group)
How Coining MFG (now part of PrecisionX Group) hires high skilled machinists and technicians on Paraform
March 31, 2024
We were not getting quality candidates from job posting sites...
November 30, 2023
Before we discovered Paraform, our hiring process was somewhat hit or miss...
November 28, 2023
We found candidates that we were really happy with on Paraform...
November 19, 2023