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August 19, 2024

How Monad hired a full-stack engineering team in 1.5 months with Paraform

Darwin Salazar
Product at Monad

Monad is a cybersecurity company building data infrastructure for security teams — think of them as the modern security stack. Monad’s founders started the company during the pandemic to revolutionize how security data is exported, transformed, and accessed. After raising their Series A from investors including Sequoia and Index Ventures, they were looking to expand their team.

They partnered with Paraform to hire staff-level engineers aligned with their company stage and culture in a highly competitive industry, filling 3 highly specialized roles in around 3 weeks per role. Darwin from Monad shares his experience hiring with Paraform.

Darwin Salazar, Product at Monad
Darwin Salazar, Product at Monad

Results with Paraform

  • Average of 23 days to one hire on Paraform, or 5x less time compared to alternatives
  • 5x volume of high-quality candidates compared to previous vendors
  • Half of the current engineering team hired on Paraform, with a 100% candidate satisfaction rate.

Doubling the engineering team in under 2 months.

Cybersecurity is an extremely competitive space — Monad needed engineers with highly specialized experience to develop the most reliable solution on the market. They wanted to shortcut build time while creating a world-class platform. This meant hiring candidates with prior experience in dealing with massive amounts of network traffic volume, scaling things from 0 to 1, and supporting the infrastructure for an app with millions of users.

They used Paraform to recruit a full-stack team:

“Our front-end engineer Andrew was the first front-end hire at a now multibillion-dollar industrial control systems security company. He’s extremely familiar with the security space and, in his time here, has already built a highly functional front-end solution.

Brent, our back-end hire, is a staff-level engineer who’s worked extensively with data-intensive use cases. His background was exactly what we needed for our role at Monad — he quickly fleshed out our metrics and troubleshooted our pipeline performance and health.

Our most recent hire, Cameron, only started two weeks ago. But he’s already creating robust infrastructure to test and build the foundations of our platform on.”

“All of our hires have taken full ownership over their domains. Just as importantly, they’re also great additions to our culture.”

Hires Monad made on Paraform
Hires Monad made on Paraform

The most streamlined path to top talent.

Before discovering Paraform, Monad was using Lever. The team would get lots of inbound messages from Lever, but felt it was inefficient to rely only on inbound leads given their limited hiring resources.

They tried to work with individual agencies, but the ones they partnered with didn’t get many high-quality candidates. There was often misalignment on what Monad were looking for and the kinds of prospects being shared.

“We were looking for high-caliber candidates to lead both strategy and execution at a startup. We needed a solution where we could pick from a pool of quality candidates while also protecting our time and focus.”

Monad found Paraform to have a much more streamlined process compared to working with recruiting agencies.

The platform offers greater control over the hiring process in less time and increased granularity around role parameters. You can find candidates who are better matches for your roles and prioritize candidates from certain companies with previous experience in a similar problem space.

You get to see when a candidate is sourced and whether they show interest in the role before reviewing their profile. Then, you can either waitlist, approve, or deny directly on the platform. The templatized end-to-end communication options feel optimally designed for all parties involved (the candidate, the recruiter, and the hiring team).

Hire as quickly as you build product.

Monad doesn’t have an in-house recruiter yet, and they used Paraform for every step of the hiring process. But Darwin says that even if they did hire an in-house recruiter in the future, he’d want to continue using Paraform to make their lives easier and bring in high-quality candidates.

“Paraform has helped us achieve so much more in less time. The speed at which you can get high-quality talent is amazing. If you’re very serious about hiring for a role, you can start interviewing candidates right away.

When we hired Brent, it was 2 to 2.5 weeks from when we had the role up to when we had an offer signed. It matches the pace at which startups today operate, especially as they scale. You can get 10 recruiters on a role ASAP and have five promising candidates the next day.

When hiring with Paraform, I’m confident that the talent we bring gives us an advantage in a highly competitive space.”

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