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Steve Leppert
Connecting talent to great Innovators

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About Steve
I'm Steve and I run Collaborative Talent. I've been in recruiting for 16 years, and spent the last 4 building high performing teams for startups across the country. I'm an extremely versatile recruiter who has recruited for everything from Engineering and Development, to Product, Finance, Sales/GTM, and more. Our clients rely on us because we are extremely good at finding talent and we are easy to work with. We do not work on retainer and are purely a contingent search firm.
Recruiting history
Neros Technologies
Embedded Firmware Engineer
6 candidates
Frequently asked questions
What is this page and recruiter profile?
What makes Paraform different from other recruiting solutions?
How does Paraform ensure the quality of recruiters?
Can I adjust the number of recruiters I work with on Paraform?

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