Hire founding engineers through Paraform

There’s no easy way to hire you initial team. Recruiting from your network is limited, inbound doesn’t work, and it’s too early to hire an in-house recruiter.
Founding Engineers

Teams hiring with Paraform


How Paraform works


Put up your hard to fill positions

Submit your exact search requirements and connect with top-notch recruiters for that role


Expert recruiters funnel leads

Recruiters leverage their existing networks and do targeted outreach to candidates who match your requirements


Interview and hire the best

Choose who you interview, easily manage the process, and finally hire that candidate you've been looking for

Specialized founding engineer recruiters
Recruiters on Paraform have deeper experience with startup talent than your average headhunter or agency. The game is simply different with very young companies. Candidates are looking for impact and opportunity, not just compensation and stability.
Specialized founding engineer recruiters
Get back to doing things that matter
Recruiting is the “most important, highest leverage” duty of a founder. It’s hard to spend enough time doing it, so optimizing your recruiting time is critical.
Get back to doing things that matter

"Paraform scales outbound hiring while keeping it personal. You can convert your story at a larger scale in a more human way"


Akash Sharma

CEO And Founder @ Vellum

Filled founding engineer roles

Magic (YC S22)
Magic (YC S22)

Magic (YC S22)

Founding Engineer



Founding Engineer

Letter AI (YC S23)
Letter AI (YC S23)

Letter AI (YC S23)

Founding Engineer (Frontend)



Founding Engineer

Markprompt (YC W24)
Markprompt (YC W24)

Markprompt (YC W24)

Founding Engineer

Start your search today.

Speak with our team to learn more about how Paraform can help you fill your difficult positions