HomeRecruiting on Paraform
Getting started - using the 'Calibration' feature

Getting started - using the 'Calibration' feature


By Wayne

Candidate Feedback

Candidate feedback is key for recruiters to calibrate their search. We try our best to pull out all the necessary information to set you up for success when you begin your search on a live role. However, we understand at times you may have more questions and want direct feedback on a specific candidate.

That's why we built a feature called 'Calibration' specifically to solve this.

Calibration Feature

The 'Calibration' feature acts almost like a 'pre-submission' where you submit your candidate and instead of going to the inbox of the hiring manager, it goes to special section on their end where they'll see it tagged as 'Calibration requested' in which they'll be able to give feedback on the candidate.

The notifications and feedback fields are all the same like a submission minus the impact to your rating.

At one time you can submit a max of 3 candidates to calibration. Of course we want you to request feedback from hiring managers but make sure not to spam them!

Optimizing metrics, minimizing noise

Successful recruiters on Paraform are what we call the 'Preferred Recruiters' with preferential access to roles, early invites, unlimited roles and dedicated support. One way preferred recruiters maximize their candidate ratings and interview rates is through the calibration feature as it creates a back and forth feedback loop before an official submission. Therefore to optimize your chances to become a preferred recruiter, we suggest you utilize the Calibration feature to it's full capacity!

Here's how you use Calibration

Go to 'All clients' in the top menu bar on www.paraform.com/recruit.

From there, click on a candidate and make sure they've been added to a role

Now you can see the 'Calibrate' button right next to 'Submit' on the top right. Click on it and you will be prompted to submit some information about them, how closely they fit the requirements and a general submission box of any questions you might have.

On the company end, it shows up like this

And the hiring manger will be giving feedback directly like this: